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7-Inch iPad 2 With Two Cameras

Sunday, October 3, 2010 , Posted by "Fageria" at 1:08:00 PM

             7-Inch iPad 2 with two cameras coming in early 2011

It looks like Apple isn't taking for granted their new biggest iPad competition --the Samsung Galaxy Tab, yet, with reported claims from Rodman & Renshaw analyst Ashok Kumar, the company is now working for much smaller, dual-camera iPad version, which is set to debut Q1 of 2011.

Notable features for the supposedly upcoming iPad will be the new size with 7-inch, matching the single-hand friendly Galaxy Tab. Kumar, also claims that it will have a dual camera (front and back), that can also utilized FaceTime prior to iPhone and new iTouch, that's also remarkably countering Galaxy Tab dual-camera features.

Well, it seems that Apple is learning from their competitions, but they should be introducing much more than what Galaxy Tab specifics offers, or else, by next year we know that the market will be cluttered by Android Tablets, and yes, like the netbook vs. iPad, the Apple products can be eaten up by Android.
Manish Fageria 
(Blog Owner)

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